Research Projects

  • Fundamentals of Cognition

    Seeking a comprehensive, scientific model of the mind and its functions.

    Understanding the most outstanding features of the mind – its representing the world, the flow of conscious experience, etc. – remains a serious challenge. Despite rapid advances in the cognitive sciences, we are still a long way from a comprehensive understanding of the human mind. This project includes work on information theoretic psychosemantics, the architecture of cognitive systems, and the role of prediction systems in cognition.


  • Science of Values

    Empirically engaged explorations of moral, political, and epistemic norms.

    This program focuses on improving our understanding of normativity – both facts about how we understand and apply normative claims and in what those facts tell us about norms and normativity more broadly. Related projects explore attitudes towards various emerging technologies (e.g., AI, blockchain), aspects that influence our normative assessments (e.g., the impact of truth on assessments of justification, etc.), assessments of tools to improve normative performance (e.g., moral/epistemic education), recommendations to protect social systems from harm (e.g, preventing misinformation from overtaking social networks),  etc.


  • Ethics, Politics, and Economics of Global Health

    Improving global health outcomes through improved policy and practices.

    Increasing international interconnectivity, global wealth disparity, and a changing global climate undermine efforts to improve health outcomes on the global scale. My work in this area engages with the complex mishmash of economics, law, and epidemiology involved in creating a functional global health system. Related projects address questions philosophical and methodological challenges in the evaluation of health conditions, ways to improve the global health policy framework, and policies to improve specific health related outcomes.


  • Knowing and Science

    Expanding the limits of the ways we can know.

    Tools for generating knowledge advance over time, and so must our understanding of the importance of those tools. Work related to this program explores understandings of scientific explanation, the interactions of scientific and non-scientific modes of knowing, epistemic issues inherent in scientific practices, and issues in the sociology of knowledge.


  • Miscellaneous Programs

    Other questions of interest.

    One-off or fledgling projects that don’t fit neatly into other categories are included here.



Mistakes adding up: How bad statistics cause moral problems in the sciences.

Epistemology and Science
D.E. Weissglass
Presentation at the 7th Annual Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference.
Publication year: 2017

The influence of imaginative role-playing structures on the moral development of young adults.

Science of Normativity
Weissglass, D.E., Sorenson, V., & Wright, J.
Poster session at the Society of Southeastern Social Sciences
Publication year: 2010

The influence of imaginative role-playing in a fantasy game format on the moral development of young adults

Science of Normativity
Wright, J., Weissglass, D.E., and Casey, V.
Poster session at the 36th annual conference of the Association for Moral Education. St. Louis, Missouri.
Publication year: 2010

Cognitive therapy and the pragmatic power of representational modeling: A defense of representational modeling in cognitive science

Epistemology and ScienceFundamentals of Cognition
Weissglass, D.E.
Presented at the joint meeting of the European and American Societies for Philosophy and Psychology. Motreal, Quebec.
Publication year: 2011

Formal architectures for externalist cognition

Epistemology and ScienceFundamentals of Cognition
Weissglass, D.E.
Presented at the Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium. Cave Hill, Barbados.
Publication year: 2012

Social science experimentation using role play methods

Epistemology and Science
Weissglass, D.E.
Poster session at the 40th meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Publication year: 2014

Serial narrative play: Ampliative effects

Weissglass, D.E.
Presented at Thinking serially: An interdisciplinary conference. New York, New York.
Publication year: 2015

Health as virtue: Self-cultivation and self-care

Weissglass, D.E.
Presented at the Western Michigan University medical humanities conference 2016. Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Publication year: 2016